
The Journal of agriculture and environment published an article entitled " Impact of Feeding GAPRIN-enriched Artificial Fodders on the Content of Microelements in Early Juvenile Siberian Sturgeon".

2024-01-30 14:50 En
The article describes the results of research on the influence of feed enriched with microbial biomass on survival rate, growth rate and content of essential trace elements in the body of young Siberian sturgeon.

It was revealed that the addition of our feed additive DREAMFEED® to the starter artificial feed increased the survival rate of juvenile Siberian sturgeon and significantly accelerated their growth rate.


Journal of Agriculture and Environment" is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the problem of agricultural sciences. Our journal provides an opportunity to publish their scientific achievements to graduate students, university professors, persons with an academic degree and public figures, from the CIS countries and abroad.

GIPROBIOSINTEZ is an industrial biotech company headquarted in Moscow, Russia. The enterprise is developing the state-of-the-art industrial technology for the production of microbial protein based on natural gas.

DREAMFEED® is a high-quality and environmentally friendly protein feed additive for fish and animals, obtained by fermentation based on methane as a feedstock.