
GIPROBIOSINTEZ received the patent № 036192 - A strain of heterotrophic bacteria CUPRIAVIDUS GILARDII GBS-15-1- «associant for obtaining microbial protein».

2020-10-13 13:54 En

13.10.2020 GIPROBIOSINTEZ received the patent № 036192 - A strain of heterotrophic bacteria CUPRIAVIDUS GILARDII GBS-15-1- «associant for obtaining microbial protein». This patent will be valid throughout the whole territory of the states-members of the Eurasian Union. The filling of this patent reinforces the leading position of HYDROBIONTES in the production of microbial protein – says Pavel Nyunkov, CEO of GIPROBIOSINTEZ.
Associant provides the necessary microenvironment for the producer strain enabling a continuous cycle of production, by absorbing the decay products of the producer strain.

GIPROBIOSINTEZ  is an industrial biotech company headquarted in Moscow, Russia. The enterprise is developing the state-of-the-art industrial technology for the production of microbial protein based on natural gas.