
Exclusive interview Vladimir Tsymbal, Chairman of the Board of Directors of GIPROBIOSYNTEZ LLC about the challenges microbial protein producers face

2023-12-04 17:11 En
Vladimir Tsymbal, Chairman of the Board of Directors of GIPROBIOSYNTEZ LLC, gave an exclusive interview to the analytical company Feedlot, in which he explained the difficulties faced by microbial protein producers and when large-scale production is planned to be launched in our country.
Read the interview

GIPROBIOSINTEZ LLC is an industrial biotech company headquarted in Moscow, Russia. The enterprise is developing the state-of-the-art industrial technology for the production of microbial protein based on natural gas.

DREAMFEED® is a high-quality and environmentally friendly protein feed additive for fish and animals, obtained by fermentation based on methane as a feedstock.