
GIPROBIOSINTEZ took part on «ProProtein and Protein Tek»

2021-09-22 13:55 En
22.09.2021-23.09.2021 Our Сompany took part in a large-scale forum dedicated to the production and use of proteins for animal feeding, as well as the use of innovative technologies for the creation of proteins and protein products for the food industry.

During the first day of the forum, we heard many interesting presentations on the development of alternative proteins in the feed industry, perceptual difficulties of innovative proteins by society, advantages over traditional proteins. We found the presentation of the National Microbiological Association "Russian Bioprotein Production Technologies" very interesting. Denis Petrov, the coordinator of the organization, summarized progress and prospects of gaprin and its advantages over the other alternative proteins. Speaker emphasized the unique position of Russia in the development and production of microbial protein. He also highlighted the successes of Russian companies, in particular, GIPROBIOSINTEZ, which was the first on the Russian market to receive a certificate of registration of the feed additive "DREAMFEED" from the Rosselkhoznadzor and conducted many successful researches of the product with the assistance of large scientific institutes and enterprises.

During the second day of the forum, we discussed the prospects of innovative proteins in the food industry. This day was very important, as food alternative proteins market developed much less than feed ones. We discussed the issues of legislative regulation of the production and usage of alternative food proteins, trends and prospects for the development of the consumption of innovative proteins, as well as the most popular sources for production.
Thanks to participation in the forum, we were able to share our successes and experience with our colleagues, as well as hear about the achievements of other companies. In addition, we heard about global trends in the development of alternative proteins for the food and feed industry.

About ProProtein and Protein Tek
The forums "ProProtein and Protein Tek" are devoted to trends and technologies of alternative proteins for the feed and food industry.

GIPROBIOSINTEZ LLC is an industrial biotech company headquarted in Moscow, Russia. The enterprise is developing the state-of-the-art industrial technology for the production of microbial protein based on natural gas.